Why I attend the Yipiyap tutor enrichment programme (TEP) events

A bleak, ash covered road…

The bleachers of an American football game...

Under a blue sky on a desert island...

Thrust into the black emptiness of space after failing to convince your so-called “friends” you aren’t actually an alien imposter...

In our new age of lockdowns and distancing, there’s certainly no harm in a bit of escapism, and through the Yipiyap tutor enrichment program, I’ve managed to visit all these places (and more!) from the comfort of my own bedroom!

For an hour or so, I can be surrounded by a dozen friends and it doesn’t matter if it’s the first time we’ve met or even that we’re on opposite sides of the country; I feel comfortable, relaxed, and can be myself. I honestly don’t know how this happens - I’m usually pretty shy in group situations - but it might have a lot to do with the fact that we’re all doing similar jobs and have a lot in common. I think it’s so important at the moment, that we surround ourselves, as much as possible, with people going through the same experiences because it’s so easy to feel isolated. We don’t sit around having deep and meaningful chats about life - apart from in one particularly juicy discussion point at book club! - in fact, it’s more likely I’ll be accusing someone of being an alien whilst sabotaging a bio scanner test (Push the Button from Jackbox Games)! The tutor enrichment programme events give me a boost that will keep me smiling for days!

And if you’re worried that you’ll find the tutor enrichment programme events awkward - don’t! I’ve been to two book clubs, two game nights, and a meditation session and they’ve all been completely welcoming, inclusive, and full of friendly faces every time!

I can’t stress how much these enrichment events have added to my experience of Yipiyap and there’s only one way you can find out whether I’m exaggerating or not…

Tutor BlogYipiyap